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Welcome To DragonWatch

Where, oh where have all the dragons gone?
I need more dragons! Send me some dragons or I'll set my dragons on you....wait..I don't have any...that's the whole point of this website...*runs off crying*


Toilet, Opening & Closing Lid

Why is this here I hear you cry?
Because I like to use it as a puppet. That's why. 


The cover of my new Dragonology book. Innit Spiffy? Looks kinda like Sabrina the Teenage Witch's magic book or something!


This is a picture of the inside

This site is dead
(At least until I get bored enough to find something to do wth it)
12th April 2005
I still can't be arsed to do anything about the shit factor of this site. I will eventually but at the moment I have only one word for it.
In other news (since birthdays are the only thing I have to report here lately) Tis young Andy Jinx's birthday on Sunday April 24th. Methinks the skinny dictator will be either 19 or 20. I should find out.
I think I'll make him a cake cuz he looks like a lowly urchin who could do with being fed.
I'm gonna embarrass him by putting a picture of his arse up just to illustrate how malnourished he is.

Most recent Dragon Sightings

Day 1,642... Still no dragons

Spotted a Dragon? email me at sparkie_snaps_fingers@hotmail.com

"webcam" images may or may not or may or may not or may be still photographs..